Sims 4 life

Cheat window

Press Ctrl, Shift, and C at the same time

50,000 sim dollars

Bring Up the Cheat window and Type in "motherlode". You can do this at any time.

Easy way to get your sims child back

If you have been trying to kill your child or something, and then the person from like the adoption place or foster home comes and takes your child. All you have to do is add someone to your family. (For ex.-a neighbor) Type in "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true" Then shift-click on a neighbor and click "make selectable" If it doesn't work then try it again. Make the neighbor call the adoption service or something like that and they'll ask you whether you want a baby, toddler or child. Make sure you select the correct age group. Then they'll drop off your same child you just had. I hope this works for you!!

55 friends

So I encountered a small problem with being friends with everyone.
So you bring up the cheat box and you type in 'BoolProp Testingcheatsenabled true' then you shift click on the mailbox, and you select 'Make me friends'. This will make you friends (at a 55 relationship) with everyone in town.
The problem I found with this is that all the NPC friends call you at the same time. They all phone to say 'Hey, haven't heard from you in a while' or whatever. And it gets really annoying. However, you can fix this by just deleting your phones.

get Pregnant

To make your sims pregnant and have a baby in less than a day is pretty easy. first bring up the cheat window and then type in "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true". then hold shift and click on any person that you control in a household, click on spawn, then tombstone of l and d, which mean life and death. then using the person, male or female you would like to make pregnant click on the tombstone, click make me pregnant with whom ever you wish and wait to hear the pregnancy sound. then if you want them to give birth that day click on the tombstone and click speed up my pregnancy.

Full aspiration level

When your sims are about to grow up and have a low aspiration level use this cheat or if you just want them to have a full aspiration level use it...

1st: Open the cheat window (ctrl, alt, c all at once)
2nd: Type in aspirationlevel(0-10 0 being the lowest, 10 being highest) and watch the level go up.

get easily abducted

Most people who play sims want there sim abducted. So they get alot of logic and put them at the telescope every night. Well, do that no more! All you have to do is 5 simple steps.
1. Get down the cheat box (Shift+Ctrl+C).
2. Type in boolprop testingtreatsenabled true.
3. Press senter then shift while clicking on a telescope.
4. Click (Get Abducted)
5. Sit back as your sim gets automatically abducted .

Kill you sim easy

type in 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled' as the way it is without '. shift click the sim u wanna kill, click spawn,kill, rodney's death choser and select the type of death they will experience.